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Thanks for sharing this info that will affect many Canadians both in cities and rurally. And is a shared issue globally. The threat of habitat loss and the mismanagement of resources, including park spaces, housing and community services. We would be well served to prioritize biodiversity (and diversity in all matter of things) in these changing times as our link to what is vital to a thriving future for all. If we’re not careful we could end up living in a world that is only people, pets, livestock and curated nature. I can bet everyone on this platform is able to recall at least one moment when wild nature touched them profoundly. That is worth protecting. Sacrifice for the sake of preserving the dynamic balance of nature should be at the forefront of all city planning IMO. Including the small village I live in where this is an ongoing problem. Progress must be made only when mindful of a holistic viewpoint of true evolution. A revolution and not a devolution based on greed and shortsighted growth serving few.

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